Sadie’s Favorite explores what love is, what it isn’t, family, friendship and the importance of keeping those you cherish close. But not too close.
The goal with Sadie’s Favorite is to raise awareness of BPD and the dynamics of borderline & narcissist relationships.
As a girl, she was pegged for a slacker and a drama queen by her stepfather and narcissistic mother.
As a traumatized and love obsessed early 20’s something, she followed her heart at the expense of herself and everyone else.
What awaited her was a seriously cool and disheartening adventure. It wasn’t long before she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
Sabotaged by bad decisions that’s left her right where she started and haunted by abuse and her own diagnosis – Sadie makes a vow to break the cycle for her preteen son, Logan, and get her life back once and for all.
The main themes include borderline personality disorder, emotional abuse, the journey towards self-growth and the importance of healthy relationships. The story delves into how love can sometimes blind us to the toxic behaviors of those we care about (especially when you have BPD), and how self-discovery and healing are crucial to breaking free from those dynamics.
In “Sadie’s Favorite,” BPD is portrayed through Sadie’s emotional experiences and struggles with self-worth and identity. The book aims to demystify BPD by providing a nuanced depiction of the condition, highlighting both the challenges and the potential for growth and recovery. Sadie’s journey emphasizes that with the right support and self-awareness, individuals with BPD can lead fulfilling lives.
Sadie’s Favorite shows that abuse doesn’t always involve physical violence. Emotional and psychological abuse is insidious and the effects of it are often long lasting. The novel also addresses the misconception that victims of abuse are weak or passive. Sadie’s journey demonstrates that it takes incredible strength and courage to confront and overcome abusive relationships.
I hope Sadie’s Favorite will deepen readers’ understanding of BPD and BPD & narcissistic relationship dynamics. By highlighting the complexities and nuances of these issues, I aim to raise awareness and encourage. I also hope the story inspires those facing similar struggles to seek help and believe in their capacity for growth and change.
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