Borderline Stories & Books about BPD

The borderline stories mentioned on this page are the original works of Audrey Harper, creator of BPD Beautiful. Stay tuned for updates and upcoming releases. Be sure to keep an eye out for our BPD recovery journal—scheduled for release in early 2026. Looking for more borderline stories? See our top favorite books about BPD or check out BPD success stories.


Sadie’s Favorite

As someone who spent a decade trying to avoid making mistakes, she sure has a lot of regrets

Sadie Williams—a former teen mom and frontwoman of an ambient indie folk band called Midnight Musings, has a name that isn’t hers and three months until she’s completely broke. As a girl, she was pegged for a slacker and a drama queen by her stepfather and narcissistic mother. As a traumatized and love obsessed early 20’s something, she follows her heart at the expense of herself and everyone else. What awaited her was a seriously cool and disheartening adventure. It wasn’t long before she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Now a failed freelancer (failed everything) in her 30’s, Sadie leaves everything behind: the comfort of familiarity and the life she betted on. Sabotaged by bad decisions that’s left her right where she started and haunted by abuse and her own diagnosis—Sadie makes a vow to break the cycle for her preteen son, Logan, and get her life back once and for all.

Sadie’s Favorite tells the story of a girl lost, a woman recovered and the trauma in between. It explores what love is, what it isn’t, family, friendship and the importance of keeping those you cherish close. But not too close.

Borderline stories by Audrey Harper. Sadie's Favorite book cover shows a painting of girl with green hair holding a guitar. This is a book about bpd, a novel featuring a woman recovering from borderline personality disorder.
Borderline stories for people with BPD. This picture is of a guitar and matches the book cover of Sadie's Favorite - one of Audrey Harper's Books about BPD.

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