Here are over 70 best jobs for people with BPD who don’t know what to do for work. A lot of people with BPD are capable of doing any job they want, and some people with BPD have an easier time managing a job than others. This video is for those with BPD who are having a hard time find fulfilling work, don’t feel sure of themselves or are struggling to find a good career that fits their own unique experience. BPD and work can be a difficult mix but you are capable.
Read the text version of this post and more about my own experience with BPD and work here.
Audrey Harper
Audrey Harper is the creator of BPD Beautiful. She’s a proud mom, follower of Jesus and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. Throughout her teens and 20’s–she was diagnosed with bulimia, depression, anxiety, CPTSD and BPD. After 10+ years of treatment and finally entering remission, she decided to create an online community that’s devoted to helping others. As a passionate advocate for mental health, Audrey wants to inspire people impacted by BPD and other mental illness to find hope and reach their full potential. Book a coaching call or read about her upcoming novel, Sadie’s Favorite.